Sometimes I’d wake up in the morning, wondering how the bed could hold the weight of it all. I felt stuck and stupid for not knowing how not to be afraid. There were days that I’d struggle with simple things, even just going to the store, because they seemed like asking for trouble. I’d fret and fidget, and do just about anything to avoid thinking about next time. That’s anticipatory anxiety, and it’s common to most every single person with an anxiety disorder. The funny thing? Anticipatory anxiety can mean you’re trying too hard. Yes, you heard that right. It’s counter-intuitive, but sometimes the bestRead More →

Most everyone engages in conversation daily. From talking to the members of our household, to answering the phone, to ordering our coffees in the morning – talking to those around us occurs often. One doesn’t need to have an anxiety disorder to know that certain conversations provoke a sense of discomfort or even dread. Arguing with a loved one, consoling someone at a funeral, or even telling someone “no” can cause anyone anxiety. This, of course, makes us wonder: if it is reasonable that certain conversations or subjects cause most people anxiety, what does it do to a person with an anxiety disorder?Read More →