By Andy “Electroboy” Behrman 2008 For years, I suffered with a mental disability. I still do — no one has found a cure for manic depression (bipolar disorder) yet. During those crisis years, though, nobody knew anything was really wrong with me. I was experiencing a wild rollercoaster ride of frightening highs and lows that put my life in jeopardy, but my disability was completely invisible.Read More →

Since publicly disclosing her own struggle with bipolar disorder, Demi Lovato has become an outspoken advocate on mental health and the surrounding stigmas. Her most recent outreach is through a partnership with the Mental Health Listening & Engagement Tour, during which she’ll speak on key issues to raise awareness for those living with mental illnesses. In the introductory video, Demi speaks candidly on her own battle with bipolar disorder. “Bipolar depression really got my life off track,” “but today I am proud to say I am living proof that someone can live, love, and be well with bipolar disorder when they get the education, supportRead More →