My life, like everyone else’s, had its ups and downs. My brother and I would take turns spending weekends with both grandmothers’; go to church, to the library, do some baking and play games. We had the best time with them. While at home, everyone would be quiet, doing their own thing. Usually during birthdays or holidays is where you’d find us happy, joking and enjoying our time together. It wasn’t until years later, I discovered why we spent so much time away from our parents. My father had been diagnosed with manic depression during his teenage years and we didn’t know this until IRead More →

Written by: Reva Steenbergen I am a survivor of controlling, narcissistic domestic abuse and still learning everyday, making mistakes and learning from my weird experience. My goal is to raise awareness of this form of abuse and Stockholm Syndrome in Relationships which compels so many to remain with their abuser. Many forms of control are used by a narcissistic abuser and drawing from 16 years of it, I intend to share my knowledge as I am still recovering from my experiences. I feel as if when I make strides, I realize I have much to learn. So I will give myself 1 year toRead More →