Written by Janet Singer http://ocdtalk.wordpress.com I’ve previously written about recovery avoidance in those with OCD, and how heartbreaking it can be for family and friends to know there is treatment for the disorder, yet their loved ones refuse to commit themselves to it. I’ve talked about how important it is for those with OCD to identify their values, so that the desire to regain the things they hold most dear could hopefully propel them toward recovery. But still, time after time, I hear of those who just can’t bring themselves to embrace treatment.Read More →

Since publicly disclosing her own struggle with bipolar disorder, Demi Lovato has become an outspoken advocate on mental health and the surrounding stigmas. Her most recent outreach is through a partnership with the Mental Health Listening & Engagement Tour, during which she’ll speak on key issues to raise awareness for those living with mental illnesses. In the introductory video, Demi speaks candidly on her own battle with bipolar disorder. “Bipolar depression really got my life off track,” “but today I am proud to say I am living proof that someone can live, love, and be well with bipolar disorder when they get the education, supportRead More →

Jim specializes in personal coaching for: Anxiety Disorder Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) Social anxiety disorder (SAD) Panic Disorder (PAD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Phobias Agoraphobia Depression Sleep Disorder Stress Disorder Interpersonal relationship development, boundaries Esteem building Jim experienced the following disorders and symptoms: All of the anxiety disorders and symptoms listed at our website, with the majority to the extreme intensity and duration.Read More →

It is probably the least likely place to expect a catwalk- the home of Canada’s Governor General in Ottawa. But on October 9th, guests such as Federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, Olympian Clara Hughes and singer Susan Aglukark crowded Rideau Hall for the Mad Couture Catwalk show, an art-meets-fashion-meets-mental health awareness fashion show.Read More →

As the mother of a daughter who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, Pringle has a personal stake in bringing awareness to mental health issues. Valerie Pringle is recognized for her contributions to the communications field and as an advocate. She is an accomplished master of ceremonies and delivers presentations that focus on bringing people together to find solutions, whether it’s about mental health, empowering women, or workplace awareness.Read More →

I thank Mark for our brief conversation the other day and the opportunity to share his story. He has given me permission to post his articles on our blog….look for them as I post them. Very insightful!! Informed by his direct experience with stigma and the mental health care system as an adolescent, Mark dedicated his life from an early age to opening minds and creating change. He has served as the youngest President of a provincial Canadian Mental Health Association division in history. He is currently the youngest ever board member for the Mental Health Commission of Canada.Read More →