As the mother of a daughter who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, Pringle has a personal stake in bringing awareness to mental health issues. Valerie Pringle is recognized for her contributions to the communications field and as an advocate. She is an accomplished master of ceremonies and delivers presentations that focus on bringing people together to find solutions, whether it’s about mental health, empowering women, or workplace awareness.Read More →

I thank Mark for our brief conversation the other day and the opportunity to share his story. He has given me permission to post his articles on our blog….look for them as I post them. Very insightful!! Informed by his direct experience with stigma and the mental health care system as an adolescent, Mark dedicated his life from an early age to opening minds and creating change. He has served as the youngest President of a provincial Canadian Mental Health Association division in history. He is currently the youngest ever board member for the Mental Health Commission of Canada.Read More →

By William Meek People who struggle with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) often need more than psychotherapy and medication to overcome their problems. One of the most important factors is strong support from people in their lives. Friends and family can be an integral part of the treatment system and can make a difference in recovery time as well as sustaining remission. The following are guidelines for helping your friend or family member with GAD.Read More →

By Alyssa Ashton I’ve always thought it was strange that there was a World Mental Health Day. Why do we need an entire day dedicated to raising awareness about mental health, doesn’t everyone already understand it? The reason I feel this way is because I’ve been aware of mental health issues since I was seven-years-old—when I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I’ve grown-up having an in-depth understanding of the effects of mental health issues.Read More →